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Japanese Children's Songs - The Lunchbox Song - おべんとうばこのうた

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Lyrics and Translation in Description!
This is a well known counting song in Japan. Learn about numbers, and fill the lunchbox at the same time!
Japanese Lyrics:
これっくらいの おべんとばこに
おにぎり おにぎり ちょいとつめて
きざみしょうがに ごましおふって
にんじんさん さくらんぼさん しいたけさん ごぼうさん
あなのあいた れんこんさん
English Translation:
Inside the bento box about this size,
Rice balls rice balls put some to the side
Shredded gingers sprinkled sesame on top
Carrots, cherries, shitake mushrooms, burdocks,
Lotus root has holes
Straight butterburs.
教育 - Education
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