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Uki Uki mini 15

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Uki Uki mini 15

Q1 from Fuukun Music: What's the difference between 入り口 and 玄関?

入り口 (iriguchi) is an entrance of all types.
ビルの入り口 (biru no iriguchi) building entrance、駅の入り口 (eki no iriguchi) station entrance, 病院の入り口 (byouin no iriguchi) hospital entrance、ホテルの入り口 (hoteru no iriguchi) hotel entrance, etc.

映画館の入り口で8時に会おう。(Eigakan no iriguchi de hachiji ni aou.)
Let's meet at the entrance of the movie theatre at 8.

玄関 (genkan) usually means the entryway of a home. It's where you take off your shoes to avoid bringing in the dirt and germs from outside. It's also where you greet family, friends and guests.

傘は玄関に置いといて。(Kasa wa genkan ni oitoite.) Just leave the umbrella at the door.

玄関 can sometims mean the doorway or entrance hall of other places.

病院の正面玄関に車を回します。(Byouin no shoumen genkan ni kuruma o mawashimasu.)
I'll have the car ready to pick you up at the hospital's main entrace.

Q2 from Akshaya Jayaprakash: How do you say 20-30 people in Japanese?

When you talk about a range of numbers, you can use から, but we usually shorten it.

e.g. 20-30 people is 20人から30人 (nijuu nin kara sanjuu nin). But it's more common and faster to say, にさんじゅうにん (nisanjuu nin).

Let's apply this to the number of nights you're staying at a hotel.

1-2 nights: いちにはく (ichini haku)
2-3 nights: にさんぱく (nisan paku)
3-4 nights: さんよんぱく (san-yon paku)
4-5 nights: しごはく (shigo haku)
5-6 nights: ごろっぱく (goroppaku)
6-7 nights: ろくしちはく (rokushichi haku)
7-8 nights: しちはっぱく (shichihappaku)
8-9 nights: はちきゅうはく (hachikyuu haku)
9-10 nights: きゅうじゅっぱく (kyuujuppaku)

来春は東京に5、6泊、その後京都に3、4泊するつもりです。(Raishun wa Toukyou ni goroppaku, sono ato Kyouto ni san-yon paku suru tsumori desu.)
Next spring, I'm planning to stay 5-6 nights in Tokyo and 3-4 nights in Kyoto afterwards.

Q3 from Tarek AL-Jawi: How do you tell the difference between transitive verb and intransitive verb?

As I've shown in Lesson 43 video, you can usually tell if a verb is transitive or intransitive from looking at the sentence structure: if there's a direct object, then it's a transitive verb. If there's no direct object, then it's an intransitive verb.

But what if you have just the verb? Can you tell based on the pronunciation of the verb? Unfortunately, there are no clear rules that cover them all. Luckily, there are a few helpful tips.

1)-aru ending are intransitive, and -eru equivalent is transitive.
ドアが閉まる (doa ga shimaru) - ドアを閉める (doa o shimeru)
The door closes. - I close the door.
値段が下がる (nedan ga sagaru) - 値段を下げる (nedan o sageru)
The price goes down. - We lower the price.

2)-reru ending verbs are intransitive, and -su ending is transitive equivalent.
お茶がこぼれる (ocha ga koboreru) - お茶をこぼす (ocha o kobosu)
Tea spills over. - I spill tea.
木が倒れる (kiga taoreru) - 相手を倒す (aite o taosu)
A tree falls down. - I'll knock down the opponent.
オモチャが壊れる (omocha ga kowareru) 急いで立ち上がったので、お茶をこぼしてしまいました。(Isoide tachiagatta node, ocha o koboshite shimaimashita.)
I stood up in a hurry and spilled tea.

3)-su ending verbs, in fact, are all transitive.
楽しい時間を過ごす (tanoshii jikan o sugosu) to spend a nice time
全力を尽くす (zenryoku o tsukusu) to pour all your energy into something

I hope these tips will help you categorize some of the Japanese verbs into transitive and intransitive groups.
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