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Uki Uki mini 13

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Uki Uki mini 13
Q1 from Louiseann Calairo: 寝る vs 眠る
Both 寝る(neru) and 眠る(nemuru) can mean to sleep. 
寝る imples 1) to physically lie down, 2) to go to bed, or 3) to fall asleep.  
ほら、一日中ゴロゴロ寝てばかりいないで、宿題でもしたら?(Hora, ichinichijuu gorogoro netebakari inaide, shukudai demo shitara?) 
Stop lying around being lazy all day. Why don’t you go do your homework or something?
普段、何時に寝る? (Fudan, nanji ni neru?) What time do you usually go to bed?
先生の講義中に寝てしまった。 (Sensei no kougichuu ni nete shimatta.) I fell asleep during my professor’s lecture.
On the other hand, 眠る carries the nuance of sleeping deeply. You know the Disney classic film “Sleeping Beauty?” The Japanese translation is 眠れる森の美女 (nemureru mori no bijo), not 寝る森の美女 (neru mori no bijo).
赤ちゃんがスヤスヤと眠っています。(Akachan ga suyasuya to nemutte imasu.) The baby is fast asleep. 
Metaphorically, 眠る(nemuru) or 眠りにつく(nemuri ni tsuku) can mean to pass away.
友達のおばあさんは去年、家族に見守られながら、安らかに眠りについた。(Tomodachi no obaasan wa kyhonen, kazoku ni mimamorare nagara, yasuraka ni nemuri ni tsuita.)
My friend’s grandmother went to sleep peacefully while being surrounded by her family last year.
So, 寝る is to sleep in a general sense, and 眠る implies deep sleep.
Q2 from Otaku Beat: How do you use particles まで and から?
から(kara) means “from,” and まで(made) means “to” or “until.”
NYから東京までのフライトは13時間くらいです。(Nyu-yo-ku kara Toukyou made no furaito wa juusan jikan kurai desu.) A flight from NY to Tokyo is about 13 hours.
13日から20日まで福岡に滞在しました。(Juusan nichi kara hatsuka made Fukuoka ni taizai shimashita.) I stayed in Fukuoka from the 13th to the 20th.
こちらが構想から完成までの工程です。 (Kochira ga kousou kara kansei made no koutei desu.) Here is the process from the idea to the finished product.
So, から and まで indicate the starting point and the ending point.
Q3 from Emory desu: how do you write the US states in Japanese
As you probably guessed, those would be written in Katakana characters because they are non-Japanese words. I’ll introduce few of the state names here.
Please look at the spelling as well as the pronunciation of the names in Japanese. Some of them sound very different from the English pronunciation.
ニューヨーク (Nyu-yo-ku) New York
カリフォルニア (Kariforunia) California
テキサス (Tekisasu) Texas
ペンシルバニア (Penshirubania) Pennsylvania
バージニア (Ba-jinia) Virginia
バーモント (Ba-monto) Vermont
ノースカロライナ (No-sukaroraina) North Carolina
コネチカット (Konechikatto) Connecticut
ミシシッピ (Mishishippi) Mississippi
フロリダ (Furorida) Florida
テネシー (Teneshi-) Tennessee
ハワイ (Hawai) Hawaii
If you live in a state other than those that I mentioned, please feel free to look them up online and try pronouncing them in Japanese. 
For those of you outside the US, here are some country names that you can try out. 
イギリス (Igirisu) England
オーストラリア (O-sutoraria) Australia
フィリピン (Firipin) Philippines
ドイツ (Doitsu) Germany
中国 (Chuugoku) China
韓国 (Kankoku) Korea
ブラジル (Burajiru) Brazil
アルゼンチン (Aruzenchin) Argentina
エジプト(Ejiputo) Egypt
オランダ (Oranda) Netherlands
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