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Uki Uki mini 12

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Uki Uki mini 12
Q1 from Nhia Borja: Demonstratives

Demonstratives are words that indicate how close things are to you. Let’s imagine I’m talking with someone. Any item that’s right within my range, close enough to touch is これ(kore), which means this. An item that’s closer to the other person I'm talking to, is それ(sore), which means “that near you.” And an item that’s far from both of us is あれ(are), which means “that over there.” Asking “which item” is どれ(dore).

これはいくらですか?(Kore wa ikura desuka?) How much is this?
ね、それ、どこで買った? (Ne, sore, doko de katta?) Hey, where did you buy that?
あれは2000ドルです。(Are wa 2000 doru desu.) That over there is $2000.
どれが渡辺さんのですか?(Dore ga Watanabe-san no desuka?) Which one is yours, Watanabe-san?

Notice これ, それ, あれ, and どれ only give you a sense of location. So without a context, what the item is unknown. If you want to be specific, you can use この(kono)、その(sono)、あの(ano)、and どの(dono) instead and name the item.

この本はいくらですか?(Kono hon wa ikura desuka?) How much is this book?
ね、そのカバン、どこで買った?(Ne, sono kaban, doko de katta?) Hey, where did you buy that bag?
あのノートパソコンは2000ドルです。(Ano nooto pasokon wa 2000 doru desu.) That laptop over there is $2000.
どの車が渡辺さんのですか? (Dono kuruma ga Watanabe-san no desuka?) Which car is yours, Watanabe-san?

These demonstratives are called こそあど(ko so a do) words. Here are some other examples.
ここ(koko) そこ(soko) あそこ(asoko) どこ(doko) = here, there, over there, where
こちら(kochira) そちら(sochira) あちら(achira) どちら(dochira) = this way, that way, that way over there, which way
こっち(kocchi) そっち(socchi) あっち(acchi) どっち(docchi) = this way, that way, that way over there, which way

Q2 from mitchellchristian1: Common Japanese names

These are common family names.
佐藤(Satou) 鈴木(Suzuki) 高橋(Takahashi) 渡辺(Watanabe) 中村(Nakamura) 小林(Kobayashi) 吉田(Yoshida) 松本(Matsumoto)

How about first names? Traditionally, both family names and first names often had 3-4 syllables:
e.g. 鈴木一郎(Suzuki Ichirou) 真田広之(Sanada Hiroyuki) 菊池凛子(Kikuchi Rinko) 宇多田ヒカル(Utada Hikaru)

Recently, shorter first names with 2-3 syllables, or English-sounding names have been trendy. Here are some of the most popular baby names in 2016.

Boys: かなた(Kanata)、りく(Riku)、かいと(Kaito)、ひなた(Hinata)、れお(Reo)、るい(Rui)、ぴかちゅう(Pikachuu???)
Girls: ひまり(Himari)、はな(Hana)、いちか(Ichika)、さら(Sara)、ゆい(Yui)、のあ(Noa)、さくら(Sakura)

What names are popular in your country? Please share in the comment section. :)

Q3 from Jay H Lee: Meal-type words

In casual Japanese, breakfast, lunch and dinner are 朝ご飯(asa gohan)、昼ご飯(hiru gohan)、晩ご飯(bangohan) / 夜ご飯 (yoru gohan)

お母さん、今日の晩ご飯、何?(Okaasan, kyouno ban gohan, nani?) Mom, what’s for dinner today?

In a more formal context, such as at work, you can instead say 朝食(choushoku)、昼食(chuushoku)、夕食(yuushoku)

昼食後、ミーティングを行います。(Chuushoku go, miitingu o okonaimasu.) We’ll have a meeting after lunch.

We also have words like おやつ(oyatsu) afternoon snack, and 夜食(yashoku), which is similar to midnight snack.

Q4 from Alexandre Fornel: ~てあげる、~てくれる、~てもらう

These are expressions of doing someone a favor, to be nice. Each one attaches to the てform of a verb.

~てあげる(…te ageru) means that I do something nice for someone.
For example, my friend Kaito was sick with a flu and missed school yesterday. I wanted to help, so I brought him medicine and a hot soup.

昨日カイトくんに、薬とスープを持って行ってあげました。(Kinou Kaito-kun ni, kusuri to suupu o motte itte agemashita.) I (kindly) brought Kaito medicine and soup yesterday.

~てくれる(…te kureru) means that someone else does something nice for me. Note that the subject is always the other person.

ゆいちゃんが、ポケモンGOの遊び方を教えてくれた。(Yui-chan ga PokemonGO no asobikata o oshiete kureta.) Yui (kindly) showed me how to play PokemonGO.

~てもらう(…te morau) means that I ask someone to do me a favor.

帰りは、鈴木さんに駅まで送ってもらいます。(Kaeri wa Suzuki-san ni eki made okutte moraimasu.) I will ask Suzuki-san to give me a ride to the station on my way out.

So, the important thing is the direction. Make sure you focus on who is giving or receiving the favor.

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