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Uki Uki NihonGO + Culture! - Lesson 7 - aizuchi part 2

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Welcome to Uki Uki NihonGO + Culture!

In today's lesson we will go over examples of あいづち (aizuchi) and learn how to use them in a conversation. Memorizing these tips and understanding when to use あいづち (aizuchi) can help to make you a master conversationalist!

Showing the other person that you are actively listening to them is very important in any conversation to make the dialogue go smoothly. In English, we do this regularly with responses like "uh huh" or "I see", or by nodding our head "yes".

Aizuchi あいづち is the Japanese term for the common interjections that are used to let your listener know that you are paying attention and/or understanding what is being said.

In Japanese, it is always important to distinguish between polite and casual levels. When using aizuchi, you must also think about how to respond in the appropriate manner.
Common あいづち (aizuchi) include:
いいですね - That is nice (polite)
いいね - That is nice (casual)
よかったですね - That was nice (polite)
よかったです - That was nice (casual)

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Thanks for watching! See you next time! では、また今度!Dewa, mata kondo!

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Music by: Soichiro Migita
ドキュメンタリー - Documentary
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