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Japanese Language Lesson 20 - Te-form: Te mo ii desu ka

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Please view previous lessons for additional vocabulary and grammar.

This lesson covers the sentence pattern "te-mo ii desu ka". With this sentence, you will be able to ask "may I?" in Japanese. Please stay tuned for future lessons on the many usages of te-form!


May I read:
よみます -- よんでもいいですか/yomimasu -- yonde mo ii desu ka (regular I verb)

このにほんのほんをよんでもいいですか?/Kono nihon no hon o yonde mo ii desu ka?
May I read this Japanese book?

May I drink:
のみます -- のんでもいいですか/nomimasu -- nonde mo ii desu ka (regular I verb)

このフランスのワインをのんでもいいですか?/Kono furansu no wain o nonde mo ii desu ka?
May I drink this French wine?

May I eat:
たべます -- たべてもいいですか/tabemasu -- tabete mo ii desu ka (regular II verb)

このケーキをたべてもいいですか?/Kono keeki o tabete mo ii desu ka?
May I eat this cake?

May I watch:
みます -- みてもいいですか/mimasu -- mite mo ii desu ka (regular II verb)

このえいがをみてもいいですか?/Kono eiga o mite mo ii desu ka?
May I watch this movie?

May I sit:
すわります -- すわってもいいですか/suwarimasu -- suwatte mo ii desu ka (regular I verb)

このいすにすわってもいいですか?/Kono isu ni suwatte mo ii desu ka?
May I sit on this chair?


Stay tuned for future lessons on the Te-form and more!

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