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Japanese Language Lesson 19 - Te-form: Te Kudasai

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Lesson 18 covers sentence pattern "te-kudasai." It is a way to say the magic word "please" in Japanese using te-form. Please stay tuned for future lessons on the many usages of te-form!


Please Listen:
ききます -- きいてください/kikimasu -- kiitekudasai
to listen (regular I verb)

このCDをきいてください。/Kono CD o kiitekudasai.
Please listen to this CD.

Please Read:
よみます -- よんでください/yomimasu -- yondekudasai
to read (regular I verb)

このにほんのほんをよんでください/Kono Nihon no hon o yondekudasai.
Please read this Japanese book.

Please Watch:
みます -- みてください/mimasu -- mitekudasai
to see (regular II verb)

このおもしろいえいがをみてください/Kono omoshiroi eiga o mitekudasai.
Please watch this interesting movie.

Please Deliver:
とどけます -- とどけてください/todokemasu -- todoketekudasai
to deliver (regular II verb)

このパッケージとどけてください/Kono pakkeeji o todoketekudasai.
Please deliver this package.

Please Come:
きます -- きてください/kimasu -- kitekudasai
to come (irregular verb)

あしたにじにきてください/Ashita niji ni kitekudasai.
Please come at two o'clock tomorrow.


Stay tuned for future lessons on the Te-form and more!

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