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バレーをワルツで踊る宮下,迫田,長岡 Miyashita, Sakoda, Nagaoka Dancing Volleyball v2 2013皇后杯より

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2013 12 に開催されたバレーボール天皇杯・皇后杯の模様をダイジェスト風にまとめてみました。

Back Ground Music: Blue Danube by J.Strauss in YouTube Audio Library

These music sources can be used as Youtube video's BGMs with no restriction.
All Japan volleyball championship final round was held in December at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

All Japanese Junior-high school,high school,college, club team volleyballer fight with each other at 1st and 2nd round in their regions.
 And each regional winners meet together at final round in Tokyo.

In 2013, champion was Hisamitsu, silver was Okayama, Bronze, TORAY and NEC.
スポーツ- Sport
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