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Visiting a Japanese Manufacturing Factory 宇部興産機械のデカイ機械を見てきた!

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I visited Ube City in Yamaguchi Prefecture on the coldest day of this year! (Which is why my cheeks and nose are red in some shots teehee.) They invited me to come take a look at their construction site and tour the facility, and asked me to take some photos to feature on their website. Since it's not exactly a place one can visit whenever they please, I put together a video as well.
Sorry if my narration sounds vague and strange. A lot of the Japanese terms they used were in words I wasn't familiar with, so I tried really hard to translate them and explain them in really simple terms. :-)
Pictures I took of the site are on the Ube Machinery Website
Ube Machinery Official Website 宇部興産機械株式会社
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I use a Canon Kiss 7xi and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS 7xiと、基準のEFS 18-55mmレンズです。
This video is made in collaboration with Ube Machinery.
演芸 - Entertainment
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