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My Weirdest Experience in Japan // ロボットレストランに行ってみた ROBOT RESTAURANT

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★CC SUBTITLES: 日本語, English, Español★
Welcome to the robot restaurant! Probably the weirdest thing you can experience in Japan. It's definitely a "tourist attraction" type spot... but I have to admit, we had quite a bit of fun and it was worth the cost! The show is 90 minutes long :)
Website for cheaper tickets:
♥︎I have a 2nd channel that I regularly update~^^♥︎
♥︎Japanese: Me
♥︎Spanish: Hector
☆If any of you have time to kill and would like to translate the subtitles into your own language, you can download the English transcript from the video and send me the translated version to [email protected] That would be amazing!!! :D
♥︎♥︎ I started using TSU! Come join me! ♥︎♥︎
** I'm hoping I can eventually replace Facebook with this in the future, I like it a lot more!! It's like a combination of Facebook and Instagram, but everyone can monetise their profiles and earn money! If we are going to spend all our time on social media, might as well make some money from it right? haha. Hope you guys like it too! Let's grow the community! **
♥︎I'm addicted to Twitter and Instagram so follow me there too♥︎
INSTAGRAM sharlainjapan
♥︎I also have a blog for things that don't make it to video♥︎
Music: YouTube Audio Library
I film with my Sony nex 5r and edit with Final Cut Pro :)
Thanks for watching (and for reading the description box because no one ever does that so I love youuuu)!!! :)
Sharla xx
♡Keywords♡ Sharlainjapan, Sharla in Japan, シャーラ, Japanese, English, 日本語, 英語, バイリンガル, 外国人, robot restaurant, robots, shinjuku, kabukicho, tokyo, ロボットレストラン、歌舞伎町、新宿、東京
ドキュメンタリー - Documentary
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