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Full ver."Agnes Chow the 1st Exclusive Interview"【英語字幕版】(2023年12月8日)

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【Link】Agnes Chow Documentary film(2017 English subtitles/ Full ver.)

On December 3rd, the 27th birthday of Hong Kong democracy activist Agnes Chow, she announced that she is currently in Canada to study abroad and will never return to Hong Kong again. Shortly thereafter, she gave an exclusive interview to TV Tokyo, in which she revealed the details that led to her "declaration of substantive asylum" and the "patriotic behavior of China" that Hong Kong's national security authorities had imposed on her before she left for Canada.
She also spoke to TV Tokyo's camera about the events that occurred during his period of silence, her thoughts on Hong Kong and on her future.
This clip shows the full version of this exclusive and the first interview since she declared it.

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