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捨てないで リリックビデオ 
2014年7月23日 2nd AL 「悪者~代弁者~」絶賛発売中!
【捨てないで English Lyric】
You were my first everything
I made myself compatible, my body to yours
It's unbreakable now I was untouched
An endangered species, you won't find another
Are you sure you want to leave a person like me?
Teach me how to end it Do I choke you to death?
Is love this short-lived? Does it crumble this easy?
I'd rather play house, but I can't go back
You taught me SEX, I want you in me
After all you've done Don't throw me away
Own me forever, I'm yours

You threw me away like an unwanted pet
I wonder if I'll die before I kill you
I love you Just know that I don't forget
Where do I go from here, to be loved?
Late at night in front of your house
You're in there with somebody else
I can hear her moan, the sound of sex
I'm touching myself, but it's not the same
You got me wet This is not the same
Ringing the doorbell, but nobody's answering (Impossible)
Your banging her, I bang on the door
Too busy making LOVE?
Let me destroy it I can't take this anymore
You taught me SEX, I'll only have yours
After all you've done Don't throw me away
You broke my hymen, be mine
After you banged, you cuddled in bed
I wonder if I'll cry before I kill you both
I love you Give it to me
Where do I go from here, to fulfill my needs?  
When you cum, I love how your piercing eyes soften a little
I know where I know how I know how to make you moan
When I cum, you grin like you've just won a fight
You know where You know how You know how to make me lose it
2nd AL 「悪者~代弁者~」発売中
OTCD-3921 \2,000(+tax)
3.変's UP
9.Beautiful Girl
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