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あなたに「本当の友達」は何人いますか?【リリックビデオ】BLADe / 今日もベランダで

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2014年7月23日 2nd AL 「悪者~代弁者~」絶賛発売中!
【今日もベランダで Lyric】
Sometimes it feels like nobody can be trusted
Like it's all just lies, it gets harder to breathe
Cause behind your back...
The older we get the more it's ""common""
People change, personalities split
I wonder if I seem the same
Will I be able to laugh like I once did as a kid?
Why do we change?
Why can't we continue to love?
Why do we cause pain, again and again?
I don't wanna hurt any more
I wish I could be a goldfish and swim free
I wish I could be a wolf, howl when I please
When did I start being like this? Damn
I'll be out on the balcony, puffing a cig
Like I'm the lead role of some TV drama
Looking down at this lonely city, I live
I wonder who my real friends are
Sometimes I don't feel like I don't know myself
I lose sight of what's important to me
Emotions are like the air Can't see it, but it's there
At times I admit I've felt like giving into the bad…
The sky. I wanna go beyond the clouds
But if that means 'death', I wouldn't be so proud
Society's taken over me I hope I'm laughing alright
Why do we change?
Why do we give up on our dreams?
Why do we force our smiles?
Why do we live to die?
I wish I could be like the birds and fly free
I wish I could be a cat, yawn without a care
When did I start being like this? Damn
I'll be out on the balcony, puffing a cig
Like I'm the lead role of some TV drama
Watching the ashes fall on the city
Where does my heart lie?
Out on the balcony, again…
I'll be out on the balcony, puffing a cig
Like I'm the lead role of some TV drama
Looking down at this lonely city, I live
Where does my heart lie?
2nd AL 「悪者~代弁者~」発売中

OTCD-3921 \2,000(+tax)
3.変's UP
9.Beautiful Girl
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