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Swearing in Japanese - 日本語で悪態をつく

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(字幕あり) How to swear in Japanese. 英語と日本語の悪態語は違う。
die - shine 死ね
I'll kill you - korosu 殺す
beat you and kill you - bukkorosu ぶっ殺す
shut up! - damare 黙れ
noisy - urusai うるさい
noisy (slang) urusee うるせぇ
shit - kuso クソ
poo - unko うんこ
stinky - kusai 臭い
stinky (slang) kusee 臭ぇ
the worst - saitei 最低
annoying - uzai ウザイ
bad human - dame ningen ダメ人間
no good guy - dame otoko タメ男
player - charao チャラ男
slut - bicchi ビッチ
pain in the ass - mendoukusai 面倒くさい
ugly - busu ブス
ugly - busaiku 不細工
fat - debu デブ
old hag - babaa ババア
old geezer - jijii じじい 
you fucking piss me off - mukatsuku ムカつく
cheap -kechi ケチ
nerd - otaku オタク
gross - kimochi warui 気持ち悪い
gross - kimoi きもい
idiot/stupid - baka バカ
idiot/stupid - aho アホ
fuck off/disapear - kiete 消えて
shit - chikushou チクショウ
dont fuck with me - fuzakenna ふざけんな
suck ass - hetakuso 下手クソ
the store is closed garagaragara - heiten gara gara gara 閉店ガラガラガラ
this guy - koitsu こいつ
that guy - aitsu あいつ
you - omae お前
you fucker - temee てめえ
weird - hen 変
weird guy - hen na yatsu 変なやつ
a unliked person - iya na yatsu 嫌なやつ
poor person - binbou 貧乏
ass - ketsu ケツ
pussy - manko まんこ
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MY NAME IS MIRA. I am a girl who lives inTokyo Japan.
I make a lot of videos about Japan, so if you are interested, check them out.
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Video edit by : Adobe Premier Elements 12
Graphics created in : Photoshop CS5
Video taken on : PANASONIC HC-V620m
演芸 - Entertainment
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