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♬ 슈퍼주니어(SUPER JUNIOR) 'SPY' The 6th Album Repackage♪ Download on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/spy/id550049333☞ For more Information : http://www.smtown.com☞ Super Junior Official HomePage : http://superjunior.smtown.com/☞ Facebook Super Junior : http://www.facebook.com/superjunior☞ Facebook SMTOWN : http://www.facebook.com/smtown☞ Super Junior Official YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/superjunior☞ SMTOWN Official YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/smtown[Album Introduction]'The 6th Repackage Album SPY'[English]As Super Junior gained great popularity with the title song of the 6th full-length album, 'Sexy, Free&Single', this time they are releasing the repacked version of the album, 'SPY', on August 6.By making a splendid comeback with the 6th full-length album in July, Super Junior swept various music charts in terrestrial and cable channels with the title song, 'Sexy, Free&Single', and also the album swept various record sales charts, proving the great popularity of Super Junior.The new song, 'SPY', is an urban dance tune in a lively and dynamic mood reminding listeners of spy movies. The lyric defines the girl as the 'SPY' and depicted the story of a guy chasing the girl in an interesting way that makes fans more anxious to experience the new songs and performances of Super Junior.[日本語]公式6thアルバムのタイトル曲「Sexy, Free&Single」で大人気を得たSuperJuniorが来る8月6日、6thリパッケージアルバム「SPY」を発売する。去る7月、公式6thアルバムで華麗にカムバックしたSuperJuniorはタイトル曲の「Sexy, Free&Single」で各種地上波放送及びケーブルの音楽番組で1位を席巻し、公式6thアルバムは各種アルバム販売量集計チャートでも1位を総なめしてSuperJuniorの熱い人気を実感させた。後続曲として発表する新曲の「SPY」は007スパイ映画を連想させる息をのむような雰囲気が印象的なアーバンダンス曲で、歌詞には勝ち取りたい女性を「SPY」と命名して彼女の後を追いかける男性の物語を表現し、SuperJuniorの新しい音楽と舞台を更に期待させる。[中國語]以第6张正规专辑的主打歌《Sexy, Free&Single》而受到很多歌迷的喜爱的Super Junior,于8月6日乘势发售六辑改版专辑《SPY》。于7月,Super Junior携第6张正规专辑华丽回归歌坛,主打歌《Sexy, Free&Single》不仅在各大电视台和有线电台的音乐节目席卷了第一名的佳绩,而且,该张专辑也在各大唱片销量统计榜中荣登榜首,让人们再次体验到Super Junior的超高人气。后续歌曲《SPY》是用舞蹈让人联想到电影007那种让人呼吸急促的气氛的Urban舞曲,歌词中将想要争取的女人命名为'SPY'有趣的表现了在她背后追求攻势的男人的故事,因此使人们对于Super Junior崭新的音乐和舞台更加期待。[한국어]정규 6집 타이틀 곡 'Sexy, Free&Single(섹시,프리&싱글)'로 많은 사랑을 받은 슈퍼주니어가 6집 리패키지 앨범 'SPY'를 출시한다.지난 7월, 정규 6집으로 화려하게 컴백한 슈퍼주니어는 타이틀 곡 'Sexy, Free&Single'로 각종 지상파, 케이블 음악 프로그램에서 1위를 석권했으며, 정규 6집은 각종 음반 판매량 집계차트에서도 1위를 휩쓸어 슈퍼주니어의 뜨거운 인기를 실감케 했다.후속곡으로 선보이는 신곡 'SPY'는 007 첩보 영화를 연상시키는 박진감 넘치는 분위기가 인상적인 어반 댄스곡으로, 가사에는 쟁취하고 싶은 여인을 'SPY'로 명명하고 그녀의 뒤를 쫓는 남자의 이야기를 흥미진진하게 표현해, 슈퍼주니어의 새로운 음악과 무대를 더욱 기대케 한다.♬ SUPER JUNIOR 슈퍼주니어 _SPY_MUSIC VIDEO ℗ S.M.Entertainment
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