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SHINee 샤이니_Why So Serious?_Music Video

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♬ Download on iTunes :US: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/why-so-serious-misconceptions/id639521081JP: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/why-so-serious-misconceptions/id639521081HK: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/album/why-so-serious-misconceptions/id639521081☞ For more Information : http://shinee.smtown.com/☞ SMTOWN : http://www.smtown.com/☞ Facebook SHINee : http://www.facebook.com/shinee☞ Facebook SMTOWN : http://www.facebook.com/smtown☞ SHINee Official YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/shinee☞ SMTOWN Official YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/smtown[Album Introduction]SHINee's Third Full-length Album Chapter 2'Why So Serious?-The misconceptions of me'[English]SHINee swept various music charts with their third full-length album Chapter 1 'Dream Girl-The misconceptions of you' that they released on February 20. Chapter 2 is also made up of high quality music containing the unique identity and colors of SHINee. Furthermore, it also offers fans the fun experience of finding the keywords that are hidden and linked together in the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 albums, and it is thus expected to be received warmly by music fans around the globe.'The misconceptions of me' is made up of tracks containing lyrics and an ambience felt by the dreams that SHINee aspired, their misconceptions of ideals, actual reality and dreams, and the gap between ideals. It is mainly comprised of powerful and dark tracks, including 'Nightmare' that punctuates SHINee's vocal skills in which they cry out to a desperate love, and which is the track that encompasses the entire Chapter 2 album, thus giving a completely opposite appeal compared to Chapter 1.[日本語]SHINeeは去る2月20日に発表した3rdアルバム Chapter 1 「Dream Girl-The misconceptions of you」で各種音楽チャートで1位を獲得し、、今回発売されるChapter 2もSHINeeだけの個性とカラーを盛り込んだ完成度の高い音楽で構成したのはもちろん、Chapter 1とChapter 2のアルバムに隠された、互いに有機的に関連したキーワードを探して多様にに解釈できる面白みも加え、グローバル音楽ファンの熱い反応が期待される。「The misconceptions of me」はSHINeeが自分自身に求めた夢、理想に対する誤解として解釈でき、現実と夢、理想との乖離から来る感情を表現した様々な歌詞と雰囲気を持つ音楽を収録している。Chapter 2のアルバム全体を合わせた曲であり、悪夢のような凄絶な愛に絶叫するSHINeeのボーカルが際立つ「Nightmare」を始めとする強烈で暗い雰囲気のトラックが主で、Chapter 1とは相反する魅力を感じられる。[中國語]SHINee于2月20日发行的第三张正规专辑Chapter 1《Dream Girl-The misconceptions of you》自发片之后就横扫各大排行榜,取得了非凡的成绩。这次发行的Chapter 2同样收录了彰显SHINee的独特个性和色彩的高完成度的歌曲,也不乏寻找Chapter 1和Chapter 2之间的有机联系再进行多版本诠释的乐趣,全球歌迷们的热烈反响值得期待。《The misconceptions of me》解读了SHINee对自己的梦想和理想的误解,从中可以感受表现现实和梦想、理想之间的偏离所带来的丰富感情的多种多样的歌词和音乐氛围,包括Chapter 2专辑的主流曲目,包括如噩梦般在爱情面前哀嚎的SHINee演唱极为出彩的《Nightmare》在内,以富含强烈晦暗感觉的声线形成主线,可以感受到和Chapter 1相反的魅力。[한국어]샤이니는 지난 2월 20일 발표한 정규 3집 Chapter 1 'Dream Girl-The misconceptions of you'로 각종 음악차트 1위를 석권한 바 있으며, 이번에 발매되는 Chapter 2 역시 샤이니만의 개성과 색깔을 담은 완성도 높은 음악들로 구성함은 물론, Chapter 1과 Chapter 2 음반에 숨겨진, 서로 유기적으로 연관된 키워드를 찾아 다양하게 해석해볼 수 있는 재미도 선사하는 만큼, 글로벌 음악 팬들의 뜨거운 반응이 기대된다.The misconceptions of me'는 샤이니가 스스로에게 원했던 꿈, 이상에 대한 오해로 풀이되어, 실제 현실과 꿈, 이상과의 괴리에서 오는 감정들을 느낄 수 있는 다양한 가사와 분위기를 가진 음악들을 수록, Chapter 2 앨범 전체를 아우르는 곡이자 악몽과도 같은 처절한 사랑에 절규하는 샤이니의 보컬이 돋보이는 'Nightmare'를 비롯해 강렬하고 어두운 분위기의 트랙들이 주를 이뤄, Chapter 1과는 상반된 매력을 느낄 수 있다. ♬ SHINee 샤이니_Why So Serious?_Music Video ℗ S.M.Entertainment
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