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One of the basic survival skills for living in Japan on a budget is learning how to make Japanese curry! When I was a language school student paying out of pocket for school fees, I would make a huge batch of curry on Sunday and eat it throughout the whole week.
(On particularly poor weekends I would use bacon instead of beef or pork, or sweet potato instead of real potato.)
What do you put in curry? I always always always put cheese in mine, but Kraft sent me this new Parmesan Cheese to try out and I've been using it ever since, even when I order delivery curry from Coco Ichi or Yellow Spice. It's powdered but it has a distinct cheesy flavor that conplements the spices used in Japanese curry.
The cheese was provided by Kraft to try, but these opinions are my own. :-)
とてもお金なかった時、ビーフやポークの代わりにベーコンを入れたりしてたのが懐かしいです。笑 あなたは、何を入れますか? ぜひ教えてくださーい!*(^o^)/*
クラフト ヴァッキーノ ロマーノ
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Music By: YouTube Audio Library / iLife 11
I use a Canon Kiss 7xi and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS 7xiと、基準のEFS 18-55mmレンズです。
演芸 - Entertainment
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