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GAIJIN TIPS #7 - Wrap your burger

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In Japan you will find a lot of the food you may eat in your own country with your hands, in Japan people wrap in paper or plastic and eat. This is to keep your hands clean and looks neat. In Canada, often people make a plate out of the wrapper, so when I came to Japan my friends noticed I was eating differently. A few told me I should keep it wraped. If there is no wrapper, you just eat it by touching it.

Other things such as chicken will also come in a wrapper, that is seen as the clean and neat way to eat it in Japan.

MY NAME IS MIRA. I am a Canadian girl who moved to Japan.
I make a lot of videos about Japan, so if you are interested, check them out.

You also should check out my facebook, twitter and blog :)


Video edit by : Adobe Premier Elements 11
Music created with : Magix music maker 16 Premium
Graphics created in : Photoshop CS5
Video taken on : PANASONIC HC-V620m
Ofcourse this is not very rude. But people will notice, your friends might say something to you. Its seen as a 'bad habbit' or 'messy habbit'.

演芸 - Entertainment
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