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Dating Again, Falling In Love, Rejection, Shame & More

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Hello friends,

I hope you're well. I know I don't appear here very often but as always, I do MISS YOU GUYS very very much. Long time no catch up here. This month, instead of doing the usual Q&A on Instagram, I decided to film it on Youtube instead. Thank you so much for submitting your your questions through Instagram (follow me @itsbubz). You guys asked some really great insightful questions and why this video ended up being much longer than expected so feel free to grab a snack and beverage.

I know the video is a bit blurry. I apologise. I STILL don't know how to focus my camera after over 10 years..... Bad Bubz.

Your questions:
1. What do you miss the most right now?
2. Have you changed since your divorce?
3. The most difficult lesson you’ve learnt in life?
4. How to deal with end of relationship without closure?
5. What would your younger self be most proud of if she knew you now?
6. How do get over being cheated on? My self esteem/self love is even lower.
7. How do you get over shame from your past actions?
8. How do you handle the fear of rejection?
9. How to not fear approaching 30 and single?
10. How do you train Isaac to be so sweet?
11. Favourite Christmas movie?
12. If you had a high paying job but not happy, will you stay in this company?
13. How to not care about people pleasing and being perfect?
14. Are you ready to fall in love again?
15. What are your plans for Christmas this year?
16. Are you dating?
17. What was your recent dream?
18. How do you know of a person’s true intentions?
19. How to break through family expectations?
20. What is your first travel destination after covid lock down?
21. Any big plans and future projects?
22. How do you become your happiest self?

As always, please continue to take care of yourself and your heart.

All my love,
your friend Bubz xo

'Shine' by MJ Lee: https://mjleedot.com/
Music by Laura Zocca - This Side Of Love - https://thmatc.co/?l=5519301F
Music by Ryan Farish - Honey - https://thmatc.co/?l=7BB8BBEA
Music by JEN Z - Falling to Your Knees - https://thmatc.co/?l=CA9B600B
Music by kelsat - Exhale - https://thmatc.co/?l=E0810290
美しさ - Beauty
Dating again, falling in love, rejection
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