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2016 Starbucks Sakura Drinks are HERE! 商品紹介対戦!プロのカメラマン対ユーチューバー!

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Tatsu and I compete with our camera skills to introduce the new Sakura Products. Who introduced it better? The YouTuber or the pro Cameraman? Let me know in the comments!
If you follow us both on Instagram, you already know that Tatsu and I have entirely different tastes and styles when it comes to photography, but how about video? When asked to introduce the new Sakura Latte and Frappuccino, who does it better? Let us know in the comments!
Enter to win a 2016 Starbucks Tumbler from Japan! 抽選会に参加する方法
You must follow us on Instagram for your entry to be valid! (instagram.com/ciaela instagram.com/tatsuphotos)
条件1 私とタツのフォロワーであることを確認してください! (@tatsuphotos と @ciaela 両方をフォローしてね〜!)
You can post any photo related to spring (it can be an old photo, a new photo, but it must be a photo that you have taken!) You can caption it any way you like, as long as you include the hashtag “SakuraContest2016” so we can find it! (You don't have to tell people to follow us or advertise or anything, so it can be discreet!)
条件2 春をテーマにした写真を一枚投稿して、その写真の説明欄に#SakuraContest2016を入れること! (新しい写真じゃなくても良いけど、必ず自分で撮った写真で投稿してくださいね!)
We will draw one name from the entries at random, and choose the winner, TWO WEEKS from today! (March 2nd, 2016) We will announce the winner on twitter/instagram.
Good Luck!
Tatsu タツのチャンネル:
Follow Me On Twitter/ツイッターでフォローしてね!
Posting Daily On Instagram/インスタグラムでフォローしてね!_
Subscribe on Facebook! フェースブックで登録してね!
I use a Canon Kiss 7xi and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS 7xiと、基準のEFS 18-55mmレンズです。
This video is NOT sponsored by Starbucks (obviously lol)
演芸 - Entertainment
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