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三浦大知 (Daichi Miura) / 「球体」独演 ("Sphere" Solo Performance)

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7月23日(木)、三浦大知「球体」独演をYouTube Premieres(プレミア公開)で世界同時再上映

■三浦大知「球体」独演・YouTube Premieres

2020年7月23日(木)21:00~上映(JST Thursday 23 July 9PM, 2020)

2020年7月23日(木)12:00~上映(UTC/GMT Thursday 23 July Noon, 2020)


YouTube Premieres(プレミア公開)は、映画のプレミア上映のように、視聴者同士でコミュニケーションを取りながら、リアルタイムに同じコンテンツを視聴して楽しめる機能で、2018年12月23日(日)以来、二度目の上映となります。アーカイブは残りませんのでお見逃しの無いようお気をつけ下さい。


YouTube Premieres(プレミア公開)は、映画のプレミア上映のように、視聴者同士でコミュニケーションを取りながら、リアルタイムに同じコンテンツを視聴して楽しめる機能で、この日限りの上映となります。


Daichi Miura “Sphere” Solo Performance will be available to stream exclusively on YouTube Premieres from following date below.

JST : Thursday 23 July 9PM, 2020
UTC/GMT : Thursday 23 July Noon, 2020

“Sphere” Solo Performance was recorded as a bonus video in a concept album “Sphere” Nao'ymt handled all songwriting, composition and arrangement, which July 11, 2018 announced by Daichi Miura.

The work showed all the recorded 17 songs in the order of the songs and gave a lot of compliments from various fields to his new challenge.
YouTube premieres (Premiere Public) is a feature that lets you watch and enjoy the same experience in real time while communicating among viewers like a movie premiere screening, and it will be the second screening since December 23, 2018.
It will not be archived and will only be screening on this day.

Daichi Miura Link

[HP] http://avex.jp/daichi/
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/DAICHIMIURAinfo
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/daichimiura824
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/DAICHIMIURAofficial
[YouTube Official Channel] http://bit.ly/1yyylFC

Nao'ymt Link
[HP] http://naoymt.com
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/naoymt/
ソング- Song
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