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ネイルアート用道具を買った - Japanese nail art suplies

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Sorry this video is so short. I bought some Japanese nail art suplies from donkihote. I always do my nails myself. The video I made is a week old, since then I used the stuff and it was a crappy brand. Instead of going back and buying the proper brand, I gave up and went to a nail salon and got it done for first time in Japan. ITS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill make a seperate video about that. I am going to order the profestinal quality UV jel online and do it myself. Acrilic sucks.

MY NAME IS MIRA. I am a Canadian girl who moved to Japan.
I make a lot of videos about Japan, so if you are interested, check them out.

You also should check out my facebook, twitter and blog :)


Video edit by : Adobe Premier Elements 11
Music created and edited with : Magix music maker 16 Pro
Graphics created in : Photoshop CS5
Video taken on : PANASONIC HC-V620m
演芸 - Entertainment
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