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[カナダの五日間] Five Days of Canada (Day 4: New Brunswick) #ExploreCanada

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Re-uploaded to remove some inaccurate information.

Only one more video to go, and then we're back to Japan content.

If you've been following me from last year, you'll know that the CTC invited popular gadget blogger http://www.youtube.com/JetDaisuke and I to Canada last winter to blog about the North! This year--they have invited me back to experience Eastern Canada in the Fall--and introduce this wonderful place to Japanese people.

Our first stop is P.E.I, and believe me, it was NOT easy to get here. From Fukuoka to Tokyo to Toronto to Montreal to Charlottetown, the entire trip was just shy of an entire day--but the East coast has so much to offer, the food is delicious, and the people are SO friendly. I love it here!

I'll be back in Japan and making regular videos (aside from the Nestle videos) next week. I would have done so sooner--but with this trip coming up it has just been so busy.

Looking forward to talking to you guys soon! xoxoxo

(PS, follow all the bloggers in Canada right now through this blog: http://bit.ly/mb-canada)




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I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、基準のEFS 88-55mmレンズです。

Please watch: "How To Make Japanese Nabe | カレー鍋を作ってみた"
演芸 - Entertainment
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