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シャーラと正しい●●の使い方?!"How To Use F*CK" With Sharla!

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No, wait, I didn't mean it like that! This Japanese book teaches Japanese learners how to curse like a sailor in English, but in a very interesting way.
Many people ask how to "swear" in Japanese, but Japanese doesn't have curse words like we do in the West. Instead, it is considered offensive to speak directly, impolitely, and informally. That is words like "Fuck" cannot be directly translated into Japanese.
Sharla's Channel ・ シャーラさんのチャンネル:
Amazon Link For The Book・動画で紹介した本のアマゾンリンク:
(But I bought it at Village Vanguard. 自分はビレッジバンガードで買ったけど)
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Music By: Incompetech.com
I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、基準のEFS 18-55mmレンズです。
演芸 - Entertainment
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