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シャーラとNIPPON珍道中 Japanese Music Store with SHARLA

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This week I'm uploading the final two videos from my Nestle NIPPON 珍道中 Series shot with my good friend Sharla. After this week the episodes will no longer be on this channel, but the Nestle Amuse web page will still be updated frequently, so if you were into the series, you can follow it through to the link down below.


(For the rest of you, this means I can go back to making my own videos now!)

Second Channel/セカンドチャンネル!

Follow Me On Twitter/ツイッターでフォローしてね!

Practice Reading On My Blog/ブログで英語の読み練習しましょう

Subscribe on Facebook! フェースブックで登録してね!

Music By: iLife'13

I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、基準のEFS 88-55mmレンズです。
演芸 - Entertainment
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