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やっぱ福岡のイルミネーション一番いいわー! Christmas Lights in Fukuoka City!

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I've been posting photos and write-ups about them all month on my Facebook page, but that's actually because I took a few days to travel to each location and make this video.
Unfortunately EVERY single day I went out, it was rainy. Fukuoka has had a lot of rain this year, but the reflections of the lights in the pavement made for a pretty picture too.

Hakata City and Hikari Square Illuminations are running until mid-January.
Fukuoka Tower and Canal City are until Christmas day, I believe.
The Christmas Market outside of Hakata Station also finishes on the 25th of this month.

But if you drop by Fukuoka next year around this season, you can expect to see very much of the same (and perhaps a bit more.)

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Music By: Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Music Box Version

I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、EFS 18-55mmレンズです。
演芸 - Entertainment
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