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パスピエ - 七色の少年, Passepied - Nanairo No Shonen (Music Video)

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「七色の少年」Music Videoが公開

初回限定盤 WPZL-30860/1 定価¥2,778(本体)+税
*初のオフィシャルライブ映像DVD付「パスピエ TOUR 2013 "印象・日の出" 外伝 at AKASAKA BLITZ」

通常盤 WPCL-11854 定価¥2,300(本体)+税
LIVE DVD *初回限定盤特典
パスピエ TOUR 2013 "印象・日の出" 外伝 at AKASAKA BLITZより厳選されたライブ映像数曲を収録予定

01. YES/NO
02. トーキョーシティ・アンダーグラウンド
03. 七色の少年
04. あの青と青と青
05. ノルマンディー
06. 世紀末ガール
07. とおりゃんせ
09. アジアン
10. 誰?
11. わすれもの
12. 瞑想

*初回限定盤特典 DVD
パスピエ TOUR 2013 "印象・日の出外伝"
at AKASAKA BLITZ (2013.12.21)
2. デモクラシークレット
3. トロイメライ
4. 名前のない鳥
5. とおりゃんせ
6. フィーバー

"Tokyo City Underground" performed by Passepied 2nd ALBUM "MAKUNOUCHI ISM" 18th JUN. in Stores.

vocal, illustration : Natsuki Ogoda keyboard, compose, arrange, produce : Haneda Narita
guitar : Masahiro Misawa bass : Yoshikuni Tuyuzaki drums :Takuya Yao

Japanese Pop/Rock group, Passepied was formed in 2009, by a Tokyo University of Art graduate and keyboardist, Narita Haneda.
Since then, Passepied are causing sensation in the Japanese music scene with their distinguished music theory and virtuoso technique. From their unique pop sense absorbing the music from the 70's to the 00's with a hint of Japanesque appearing and disappearing between notes, to the illustration/artwork and music clip animation created by the band's own vocalist, Natsuki Ogoda, their style is in a form of one fine composite art.
Passepied 's debut album "Watashi Kaika Shitawa" was released in Nov, 2011 followed by their sophomore album "ONOMIMONO" released in June 2012. Both albums became strong long selling albums in the Japanese market.
In 2013, they were named by iTunes Japan as one of their "Breakthrough artists of 2013".
On March 20, they have released their first ever single "fever" and on June 12, their major debut full album "Ensyutsuka syutsuen"
Passepied had run highly acclaimed self-curated events "Impression-A" and "Impresssion-B (w/ the band apart)" in Tokyo and Osaka with shows sold out.
Their first ever solo headlining tour titled, "Inshow: Hinode" (impression / rising of the sun) started off from late Oct to the final show in Akasaka Blitz on Dec 21, 2013, with a series of extra dates titled "Inshow : Hinode Gaiden" (impression/rising of the sun Spinoff) . The tour ended very successfully, with all dates sold out.

On March 26, 2014, they have released their 2nd single "MATATABISTEP/ ANO AO TO AO TO AO", and Passepied will be actively working across Japan this year, mostly on stage, but also in the studio.
ソング- Song
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